Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Duathlon "Hub Style" Beginning September 17th

I've been wanting the group to have a duathlon for a while.  I was going to wait until October to have one, but now I have decided not to!  The first one will be September 17th!!

Bring your stopwatch, as you will be timing yourself!  It will be an 'on your honor' system!

We will start at Frontier Park West, tentatively. 6:30 pm, 9-17-08

Since the large majority of us are cyclists, the duathlon will have two bike legs and one run leg. It will be a bike-run/jog/wog/walk/crawl/, maybe I am the only one that will go thru the dying on the run process?!?!  If you are not a runner, come and WALK the course!

The first bike leg will be about 6.5 miles.  The run leg will be about a mile.  The second bike leg will be about 5 miles.  The bike portions will be on the road.  The run portion will be on grass.

This will get us finished up before dark.  And for any novice people that want to show up, it will not be so intimidating sounding!

So, if you have a bike in working order and you have working legs, show up!  Just because you are not a racer, doesn't mean you can't show up, have fun, and hang out with cool people!

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